You can change it in the last line of the update code. Note: the default resolution is set to «1280x1024». Either run the lines with vboxmanage from the script below (add your virtual machine name under $vm_name), or save the full script and run it. Now we need to run a few vboxmanage commands for additional settings. Note: if you can’t see USB 3.0 you might need to add your user to the vboxusers group In «Display => Screen» increase the video memory to 128MB and enable 3D acceleration In the processor give more CPU if you can spare Give it a bare minimum of 25GB (I would advise on at least 50GB if you can spare the space)Įdit the machine, go into «System => Motherboard» and disable floppy boot and change the chipset to PIIX3 Give it enough memory so the install will run faster. Virtualbox host kernel modules for Arch Kernel Local/virtualbox-host-modules-arch 6.1.6-1 The official VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO image Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use I’m hoping you already have this part covered and you are coming here only because you had issues getting macOS installed, but just in case, make sure the following packages are installed (Arch): $ pac list virtualbox I will not be covering these steps here, but there are plenty tutorials online. You will need a computer running macOS and you will need to convert the installer to an ISO. Start by downloading a copy of the installer from the App Store. This document will provide instructions on getting a macOS Catalina install working with Guest Additions on VirtaulBox 6.1.