We are very happy as we use it almost weekly. Undelete saves us countless hours on having to restore from backup. Generally, Undelete is our first line of protection.” Mark Klopsch, Network Admin, College of Forestry at Oregon State University “We use the Undelete on all of our file servers it’s great for Windows and virtual systems.

However, most of our user servers also run Undelete so we can quickly recover files that were deleted in the past few weeks and sometimes restore previous versions of files which have become corrupted. Invaluable to protect users from themselves, at a very reasonable price.” Tim Dasch, IT Management, Cooper Scully “We do nightly backups across campus. Every time users ask me for help because a document has “disappeared” from the network, I can quickly recover the document and inform them who it was that pressed delete!!!!” Massimo Ruggieri, Founder & CEO, Arcipelago IT “Undelete is worth every penny! Easy to install, immediate protection of deleted files on file server, mirrors the folder structure so the deleted files are easy to find, retains a copy at every save operation so can provide the user with multiple file version options for restore, auto purge of saved copies after amount of time you specify.

When I have to use Undelete, it only takes minutes to perform a restore.” Gary White, Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio “I use Undelete on Windows File Servers. These zero-day deletes are easily handled with your tool. “I use Undelete to prevent accidental network deletions.